sci-fi author, beatmaker

Tag: diabetes

Apigenin as a Potential Anti-Aging and Anti-Disease Molecule

I’m currently experimenting with the increasing my apigenin intake from both food sources (parsley, chamomile) and supplements. I’m not sure what the ideal dosage is (probably somewhere between 300mg and a gram), but the potential benefits are intriguing.

Superfood Series: Cranberries (weight-loss, blood sugar, and other benefits)

I’ve been meaning to write a superfood post for a long time, getting into the details of which foods I try to include in my diet most days to improve health and prevent disease. Something similar to Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen.

But it’s just too much information for one post. So I’m going to do one at a time, starting with cranberries.

Sci-Fi Level Medical Advances, Part I

Thin, tan, and horny.

Ten years ago, in 2002, I read an article in WIRED magazine about an experimental drug called Melanotan. Early test results indicated that the drug could make a pale person tan, without sun exposure. Side effects included reduce appetite and weight loss, and a high frequency of spontaneous erections.

Thin, tan, and horny … WIRED dubbed Melanotan “the Barbie drug.”

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