These days you can sell the stuff.

Imagine that you are an entrepreneur in New York City in the early 1900’s.  Your company offers a single service — cleaning up horse poop.

Business is gangbusters.  There is no shortage of horse poop.  Every buggy needs a horse (or multiple horses) to drag it, and every horse poops multiple times a day.  You can’t hire horse poop shovelers fast enough to keep up with demand.  In fact, despite your best efforts, the entire city is covered in horse poop.  New York City’s 100,000 horses are producing 2.5 million pounds of poop every day.

One day, you notice a weird-looking contraption in the street.  It’s buggy, but it has no horse.  It’s a horseless-f*cking-carriage!

It’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.  It will never catch on.  You go back to counting your poop-shoveling money.