sci-fi author, beatmaker

Month: January 2022

How I’m Protecting my Writing Time (and Sanity)

In 2020 my freelance consulting work crashed. Though none of my clients went out of business, many scaled back their operations and/or new software development dramatically in response to the pandemic. This, combined with a steady downward trend in the type of consulting work I’d been doing for many years, resulted in a very slow work year with far fewer billable hours than I needed to cover my expenses.

Apigenin as a Potential Anti-Aging and Anti-Disease Molecule

I’m currently experimenting with the increasing my apigenin intake from both food sources (parsley, chamomile) and supplements. I’m not sure what the ideal dosage is (probably somewhere between 300mg and a gram), but the potential benefits are intriguing.

This Too Shall Pass

This too shall pass.

Sounds like a Biblical phrase but its origins are Persian, popularized by Sufi poets.

It’s been on my mind a lot recently.

Referring to the pandemic, of course. Which feels like it might go on forever. Maybe Omicron is the last, most contagious, least lethal wave. Or maybe it’s just one more wave in the middle of a dozen or more.

But eventually, and I’m guessing sometime in 2022, the pandemic will be over. There will still be Covid, but it won’t be any more lethal or notable than any other infectious disease. And at that point we’ll have to figure out what “normal” looks like.

I’ve left so many activities behind: playing racquetball at the Y, playing tabletop D&D, hosting parties at our house, going to parties, eating indoors at restaurants, seeing movies in the theater.

I don’t think we’re going back to the movies anytime soon — we bought a huge OLED TV and it looks incredible. The San Francisco Y doesn’t have racquetball courts. My D&D friends have dispersed to different cities. Some of my regular weekly activities may now just be part of my past, like DJing at clubs and hosting huge dance parties.

I’m reflecting, not complaining. The pandemic has been gentle to us. We survived getting Covid, and only a few friends have gotten seriously ill. My family relationships and friendships are still strong. We have a roof over our heads and we’re in good financial shape. Mental health could be better but we’re hanging in there.

But it’s strange to think that there’s no going back to the way things were, even when the pandemic ends.

Not entirely, anyway. I’m sure I’ll still play D&D and racquetball again, sometime and somehow. And we’ll go out to the movies once in awhile.

Slowly, a sense of normality will pervade our collective consciousness (unless the United States plunges into civil war or a fascist dictatorship).

This too shall pass.

Having More Fun With It, Getting Better At It (Instead of New Year’s Resolutions)

This year I wasn’t in the mood for revving myself up for ambitious goals or New Year’s resolutions requiring a lot of discipline. My family is recovering from Covid, we’re still in quarantine, and the best I can do is try to avoid being a complete grouch. None of us got seriously ill and I am grateful for that. Knock on wood, but we’re over the worst of it as far as I can tell.

Anyway, instead of making any big New Year’s resolutions, I made a simple list of activities I want to do more of in 2022. Activities I usually enjoy. Writing fiction, making music, the usual suspects…

But also asking myself — can I have more fun with it? While also getting better at it?

My life needs more fun. But not hedonism. I don’t want to get drunk and fat. But more fun and playfulness, yes. It’s been a fucking serious couple of years.

So my motto for 2022 is to have more fun with it, while getting better at it. That applies to writing, making beats, making money, parenting, getting healthier, playing chess, everything.

That’s all I got: a simple plan.

Wishing you the best for 2022. May this year bring you health, wealth, joy, and many excellent experiences.

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