New England author Brian Trent writes both science fiction and fantasy. He’s an early riser who gets his 5-6 hours of writing started at 5 a.m., which by my math means the work whistle goes off no later than 11 in the morning — not a bad lifestyle! But of course a writer’s work is never done. Please welcome Brian Trent to Word Craft!


Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer.

Writing has been in my blood since I was very young—I still have the wordless illustrated comics I used to draw when I was in my single digits. The desire to tell stories was there at the beginning, to create worlds I could play in. As I got older, I realized that I could also use stories as little laboratories to examine anything I wanted: different narrative techniques, unique characters, the potential impact of a speculative technology on the world, the potential development of society in the future.

Science fiction is still my preferred sandbox. I do write fantasy, history, and horror, but I’ve always been drawn to the rational structures and extrapolative methodology of sci-fi.