sci-fi author, beatmaker

Tag: Flame Tree Press

Word Craft #8: Brian Pinkerton

I’m fascinated by how one aspect of an author’s writing process can influence others. Brian Pinkerton writes first drafts by hand, which is probably why he doesn’t do any revisions until his first draft is complete. He maps out his novels using note cards, which is something I’ve always wanted to do but I never seem to have enough table space. 

Word Craft is a deep dive into writer’s methods and practices. Please welcome Brian Pinkerton, author of The Gemini Experiment!


Brian Pinkerton deep in plotting mode.

Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer.

I’ve always been fascinated by stories and storytelling. My earliest aspirations were to be a cartoonist and book writer. I wrote my first novel when I was very young. I enacted the entire plot with the Fisher Price Little People Village and then wrote it all down as quickly as I could remember it. I still have that manuscript somewhere. It was written on lined, three-hole-punch paper. The pages were tied together with string.

Word Craft #7: Russell James

Russell James has been writing daily, apparently without any extended breaks or even weekends off, since 2001 (personally I feel pretty good if I write four days out of seven). I admire that kind of consistency, even if I can’t particularly relate to it.

I can relate to having my wife as my first reader. There’s no one I trust more with that raw, flawed draft.

I enjoyed reading Russell’s responses to my Word Craft questions, and I hope you do too. Please welcome Russell James to Word Craft!



Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer.

Author Russell James

I’m currently a technical writer for a Fortune 50 company. When my wife and I used to go on long drives, I’d say “You know what would be a good story?” and then tell her about a plot idea I had. Eventually she said “Why don’t you write these stories down and get them published.” I said “Because no one would ever pay to read something I wrote.” But I did end up trying what she suggested, and here we are.

Word Craft #4: Brian Trent

New England author Brian Trent writes both science fiction and fantasy. He’s an early riser who gets his 5-6 hours of writing started at 5 a.m., which by my math means the work whistle goes off no later than 11 in the morning — not a bad lifestyle! But of course a writer’s work is never done. Please welcome Brian Trent to Word Craft!


Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer.

Writing has been in my blood since I was very young—I still have the wordless illustrated comics I used to draw when I was in my single digits. The desire to tell stories was there at the beginning, to create worlds I could play in. As I got older, I realized that I could also use stories as little laboratories to examine anything I wanted: different narrative techniques, unique characters, the potential impact of a speculative technology on the world, the potential development of society in the future.

Science fiction is still my preferred sandbox. I do write fantasy, history, and horror, but I’ve always been drawn to the rational structures and extrapolative methodology of sci-fi.


Is my name big and gold enough?

So, today The Sky Woman is officially released. Hooray! It’s been a long wait. Many thanks are due to everyone who helped make this book happen: my wife Kia, my daughter, my parents (especially my mom who did a careful read of an early draft), my other friends who read various versions (Jason W. and Jason K. — looking at you guys), my friends who have encouraged me unconditionally along the way (especially my music brothers Spesh and Mark), and many readers of this blog who have cheered me on. And also editor Don D’Auria, and all the folks at Flame Tree Press who worked hard to get the book out today (in multiple formats, all beautifully done). I deeply appreciate all of you.

My Debut Novel “The Sky Woman” is Available for Preorder

The Sky Woman is available for preorder.

About five years ago I started work on a novel based on ideas that had been germinating for at least a few years. People close to me knew I was working on a new book, but I didn’t tell anyone what it was about. I’d learned (the hard way) that when I spoke about my fiction ideas, I somehow lost the drive to develop those ideas in writing. So I had fun working on my secret project.

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