sci-fi author, beatmaker

Tag: how to market your book

Don’t Pursue Your Career in a Way That Makes You Hate It

Today I saw a thread on Twitter, authors half-jokingly griping about the doubt and despair that often accompanies “marketing efforts.”

I get it — I’ve been there. There are an infinite number of things you could do to promote your book, but every approach requires time, money, and/or social capital, and it’s easy to get frustrated and discouraged and to wonder if your efforts are producing zilch.

Rethinking Book Marketing, and Some Quotes from Reviewers

A 1970’s artist depiction of a ringstation (from

Becoming a published science fiction author was a jubilant moment for me, and I coasted on that high for a long time.

But of course everything that goes up must come down. I’ve found my mood and attitude regarding my nascent writing career to be significantly less jubilant now that I’ve struggled with the problem of how to sell more books.

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