sci-fi author, beatmaker

Tag: longevity

My Current Evidence-Based Anti-Aging Program

The Fountain of Youth by Lucas Cranach the Elder

My interest in anti-aging goes back as long as my interest in health and nutrition, but in the past year or so I’ve done a deep dive into the topic. I’ve just turned fifty, and I’d very much like to live at least another half-century. I have long lists of things I’d like to both accomplish and experience, and I’ll need time to do that. I became a father on the later side, so I’d like to be around for my daughter’s adulthood. And for the most part, on most days, I greatly enjoy being alive. Why end the party early?

Strawberries, Fisetin, Health, and Longevity

A few months ago I was talking to my friend Dan Pardi (founder of Human OS) at the 111 Minna 20th anniversary party. Despite the loud techno music, Dan and I got into a conversation about health, nutrition, and supplements (as we usually do). Dan told me about some interesting research on the compound fisetin (found in many foods, but especially high in strawberries). Just a few high doses of fistetin, fed to mice, improved health and significantly extended lifespan, even when given to older (middle-aged) animals.

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