Reclaimed Earth series author copies, various editions (and some D&D stuff)

I started this blog over ten years ago. One of my goals in starting to blog was simply to practice writing. At that point in my life I’d dabbled in writing and dreamed about being a writer, but I hadn’t committed seriously to a regular writing practice. Here’s a post I wrote about my writing process and the challenges I was facing at that time.

It took another six years after writing that post before I published my first short story, though by that time I had already established a daily writing habit and completed several novels. As of today I’ve published one novelette, two novels, and eight short stories, with several more pieces sold and in the pipeline (including The Last Crucible, Book 3 of the Reclaimed Earth series).

So what has changed in the eleven-plus years I’ve been writing regularly? And what has remained the same?